Jan 19, 2007

Rules of competitions:


No Maxis creations, solid color background.

Photos must be 5x6 or bigger if it needs more detail, must only show your sim, unless a prop is given.

The photos for the first round -of each competition- will always be two head shots, one with makup, the other without.

Want to start modeling your sims?

Here you can be an ammature and compete in modeling competitions!

Females, 18 to 30 (no elder or teen sims)

I will select five contestants that will Model in five compatitons, write bographies and give opinions.

The first competition: is for one of the five spots to compete.

I need a short bio, age, name, ethnicity, the two head shots, a body shot, and a personal style shot. You could also put in two creative shots.

Good luck!